from mile to marathon

The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


If I extrapolate from my usual pace on the Academy track (about 12.5), I can finish the marathon in five hours and a half. Given that Academy is in part uphill, while the marathon course is mostly flat or downhill, I can probably finish in five hours.

Not that it really matters. To avoid low spirits, I gave up on monitoring splits during the big runs some time ago. In spite of numerous runs on treadmill, with all the numbers in front of me, I have not gained any experience in pacing myself. Sometimes a pace of 12 seems fast, and next day I can effortlessly go under 10. I ran all my races, whether 5Ks or halfs at the same pace, slightly under 10, which doesn't make much logical sense to me.

If, through some serendipity or alchemy or other miraculous doing, the energy of the race carries me, I might do it under five hours. The gun goes off at 7 am. I told my boyfriend to be at the finish line before noon and start looking toward the horizon.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I find trying to estimate finish times for myself to be a combination of art and science since my personal pacing is all over the map. Whatever your finish time ends up, you've got blogger friends cheering you on!! HAVE FUN!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Joe said...

I've got to hand it to you. It takes a special type of warrior to be able to run for over 5 hours.

During the race, make sure YOU look at the horizon too! Don't think, just run!

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Deene said...

based on your previous run reports i would guess you finish in under 5 hours. the only events that made me go beyond five hours(+9 min) were the long lines at the few toilets but that was a run with thousands.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Runtime said...

However long it takes... the time will FLY by. Compared to my training runs, the marathon was a blur. Just run at a comfortable pace and let the time fall where it may. Savor the entire experience. You worked long and hard to get to the starting line, the marathon is the icing on the cake.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Jason The Running Man said...

Run Lia Run!

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Backofpack said...

Time is ticking'll be race morning before you know it, and then, a short while later, your first marathon will be done. The time won't matter, the finishing will.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Bre said...

I'm with Joe... you're part warrior!

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The atmosphere will definitely carry you just don't let it get you carried away. Start slow and finish fast. That's the theory, but it's hard to do. Enjoy it all!

At 4:26 AM, Blogger RunBubbaRun said...

Just have fun out there. Some people don't look at a watch when they race. I don't for the really long stuff. Just concentrate on your nutrition and enjoy the surronding as you wiz by it..

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with 'lisa slow and steady'... you have blogger friends cheering you to the finish line. Have a great time!

At 7:10 PM, Blogger JustRun said...

You will be amazed how the time passes. And then, looking back, it will seem even faster then.

Enjoy- you are ready!

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Journey to a Centum said...

Rob said it best. I've ignored the start slow finish fast rule several times only to be dragging at the end of a marathon. My best times and best feeling marathons have come with slow starts. We will all be with you in spirit as you alone accomplish this goal. I'm excited to read your race report!


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