from mile to marathon

The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

verging on being there

I started living from week-end to week-end. I started to measure time by big runs and the mileage they can hold. I conceive of this spring as space beyond mile 20.

I will go on other journeys. Life will hold more adventures. There are still surprises ahead and acts of creation. But nothing, I already know, will be again like this. Like this spring, with the expanse of miles conquered and the elation of will.

This closing in on marathon day.

Even on the treadmill, now, I run with a destination.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Bre said...

I am SO excited FOR you that I can't imagine how you must be feeling!!

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Backofpack said...

Oh, you are so hooked! I count time the same way, race-to-race, how many weekends between, how many runs from now till then.

It's going to be so exciting, I can't wait to read the report!

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Almost there. Keep your eyes on the prize!

At 5:55 PM, Blogger JustRun said...

Michelle is right, those are only words of the hooked. :)

At 3:44 AM, Blogger R2B said...

To run with a destination,moreover to run with a purpose!

Well done Lia your getting closer by the day now!
You will love it!

At 1:53 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Life is an adventure and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the journey!

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Journey to a Centum said...


You are welling up fond memories of the past with your upcoming challenge. Smile really big when you have your picture taken with your finishers medal! I suspect if the picture is taken soon enough after you have crossed the line we will be able to see some tears of joy in your eyes as well.

You are ready! Run your race! Walk and recover when you need to. Go baby go!


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I remember my first marathon and the tears that I shed the entire last mile of the race remembering all the early mornings of training and how far I had come in six short months. Cherish this time.

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eloquently said. Wish you well on achieving this life goal.

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Chad said...

Hmmm - if I didn't know better I'd think you were starting to like this running - nah, can't be ;-)

At 5:25 PM, Blogger RunBubbaRun said...

The culmination of your journey will be on marathon day.

You'll do great.. I'm sure it will be a beginning as well in so many other ways..

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You're in the zone. Can't wait to read about the race experience.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are one focused runner. Stay the course! I'm looking forward to the big day for you. :)


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