from mile to marathon

The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

everything still so new

My mileage last week was 28 miles, the most I ever, ever did. I came close only twice, once in May, and once in August. This to dispel any notion that I am overtraining.

During the "big run" on Sunday, for the first time since this marathon idea got into me, I felt a little scared. Scared of the magnitude of what lies before me, the endless distances ahead, mile after mile, week after week.

I live a lot in my writing, and probably even more in emotion. I never lived so much in my body before.


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Backofpack said...

It is a long way to go, and a lot of living in your body. But oh, what a strong body, to carry you so far and so well. What a strong mind to keep you moving forward, ever forward, step after step. It is a journey, and one worth taking. It's right to be a little afraid, because it is such a long distance, and so much training. But it is also right to do it and live it. You are doing so well, keep going!

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Congratulations on signing up for the R&R half marathon! Remember training for a marathon is a process, take it one day at a time and it’s only natural to have some anxiety. But by practicing every day you will develop more stamina, speed and confidence, gradually you will reach your goal! Enjoy the journey.

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Big Jay said...

Nice weekly mileage!

I think you'll like the R&R half. I ran the full last year...and while the full mary course was honestly lousy, I heard great things about the half. You'll totally rock it!

Keep on running!!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Black Knight said...

Congrats for the mileage, you are on the right way to the rock 'n' roll Arizona half marathon. Of course I don't know the rock'n'roll one but I know very well what a half marathon is!!!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Chad said...

Sounds like you are really setting yourself up for a good race! Good luck!


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