from mile to marathon

The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

looking back

I ran two more times, each time two miles. The tendon is not exactly tender, but somehow I still sense an imbalance, a tension, a heat on my left side. I ran every other day. Perhaps I am too cautious.

Looking back, it is hard to reconcile my status as reluctant runner with the persistence I exhibited when running. I did not skip a planned run more than once or twice in six months, and then I simply integrated the gap in the schedule as a rest day, and ran on the planned rest day instead.

I am unquestionably tenacious, although the trait comes bundled up with an assortment of shortcomings. I am also occasionally lazy, often self-indulgent, now and then disheartened, sometimes prone to feeling sorry for myself. And relentlessly busy with other things. It is not that I planned to be so diligent. It is not that I had to persuade or force myself to run. It simply never crossed my mind to slack.

Now, that I am aware of the possibility, I wonder if this diligence is going to last.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sometimes it is better to be cautious when dealing with a running injury.

And Yes, you busted me on my last post. I certainly did not argue with my wife about her having to go to work and me having to miss the race. It seemed like an intervention that was meant to be as I do not think I was ready for running short and fast.


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